
photos haikus and other things.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Psycho pig

I try to hold on 
To something I really like
And by the time
I can talk about it
I forget
And all I remember is

Psycho pig 

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


I inhabit an asteroid
I've not got anything
better to do

than feel sick
about something
that didn't even happen to me

never a colleague
to the stars
I missed them by miles 


hollowed out
followed by

haphazard taxidermy
the stitching is very poor

incise a tower
with my initials 

using a fingernail 
and human hair

attend a lecture called
"how to function"

disapprove of me
for not bothering to care

that you didn't clean 
the blood off your chin
after eating my heart out

Monday, 24 March 2014


so abundant to begin 
now mocking skin remains 

flesh crawls
evidence of enthusiasm
since ceased
sticky cheeks repulse 

Sunday, 23 March 2014

the day with you in it

the day with you in it
allows nature to seize me 
for herself

a wormery some days,
a bee hotel at other times

"It's never boring"
is my way of saying
it isn't good
but it's better than nothing 

Friday, 21 March 2014

when I was small

when I was small
after playing outside 
in the blazing sun
I had to sit in the classroom
doing fractions.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Springtime in the Steel Cave

pretty amazed at myself for still feeling able to write about love. 


crushed petals 
inside the steel cave,
cartoon swoons
once believed to be myth.

bones actually bend:
the structure of my possible 
because I met you.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Open Water

sea monsters writhe
emerald and cobalt
so desperate
so sensitively alive 
they are prepared to self destruct
in order to be free

the open water brings 
white, see through, 
perfect chances

momentarily dazzled
only the fight
the appalling tragedy of captivity
can give this liberty
a place in their history 

Sunday, 16 March 2014



a sky in recovery;
violet and lavender hues

panning my own insides 
for gold

making new meaning,
sextant in fist.

Friday, 14 March 2014

There's No Need

couple of new poems. one written on the train and one in my house.

The Morning After

Hooks fish inside for sins
As I scour over the raw
Barely remembered 
Hours for clues
Sandpaper and acid stripping back
Paying no heed to fun.

There's No Need

Scorpions pull
Stretch their best
There's no need
None at all
I can do it to myself